Monday 13 September 2010

Barton St. David

Our First Anniversary Walk! This was our second walk from Barton St. David but one we looked forward to. Just five of us parked up by the village hall in Barton for the 6.5 mile walk to King Weston, Copley Wood & Butleigh Cross. It was a lovely sunny day and we made good time through the fields towards King Weston, with lots of wild life to look at. As is the norm with our walks, Copley Woods was a different matter all together! Let's just say that the pathway out of the woods seemed to disappear, thanks to Brian we forged on and did emerge from the woods more or less where we thought we would! Having stopped for lunch we walked on to Butleigh Cross, the views were amazing. We crossed a hidden stream? or not, who knows! and made our way back to the quirkey 'nnI notraB' to sample a pint or two of the local ales and end a smashing walk. Here's to our next anniversary! One Step Beyond!

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