Monday 11 October 2010

Burrow Mump

It was a lovely sunny Sunday, and just the three of us decided to travel a little further to take on the 5.5 mile Burrow Mump walk. Apart from King Alfred's castle it was a very flat walk, but not without incident! About a mile and a half into the walk we were walking down a drove, hedges to the left and open fields on the right, we had just stopped to check the map when a shot rang out, then another whistled into the hedge in front of us! We retreated back a few yards to gather ourselves while more shots were fired, small metal targets were pushed into the ground about ten yards in front of us, there were no warnings or signs anywhere. We saw a Landrover drive off and the shooting stopped, quickly we walked on clearing the field, we did see people still standing in the copse where the gun shots came from.

Next crossing a farm yard we were confronted by barking dogs, we crossed a field of geese without incident tho' we did fear the worst! There was some lovely countryside but the best views were from the Mump, it was stunning. We sat on the terrace of the King Alfred pub by the river for a well earned pint. We will visit the Mump again, perhaps next time we'll take a quieter route! Definitely One Step Beyond!

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