Monday 6 September 2010

Hinton Blewitt - Extended Walk

Seven of us set out from the picturesque village of Hinton Blewitt, meeting in the lay-by opposite the Ring o' Bells. We decided to extend a walk we had done previously to Cameley making it over 5 miles. The weather was kind to us as we crossed the fields and the River Cam, the fields were full of mushrooms and several of us helped ourselves as we made our way to the village of Cameley! The beautiful 12th century church of St. James gave us shelter from the rain, David tested the acoustics with an entertaining song or two and we ate lunch in the porch. Rain stopped, we then skirted Cameley Lodge, and took to the hills above the lakes, passing some fine views, we made our way back round to the cars and just for a change, a welcome pint of ale at the pub.

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