Sunday 11 July 2010

Hinton Blewett

Our walk started on a hot sunny morning at Hinton Blewett. It was like a scene from Midsomer Murders. A beautiful looking pub 'The Ring O' Bells' with a village green and a back drop of the church steeple. No dead bodies, just a barman who didn't say much. Our walk was a short one of 3.8 mls and as it was so hot we thought we would play it safe and not extend it . We walked or should I say Sue and I dog legged through beautiful countryside to reach the village of Cameley. We took the opportunity to look around the 12th century church of St James; it's well worth a visit. We stopped for lunch at a fishing lake behind Cameley Lodge. Brian handed out some delicious chocolates to finish off our lunch. We had a lovely cold drink on our return to Hinton Blewett and I am pleased to say no chips passed my lips or should I say hips. We will definitely be repeating this walk so the rest of the group can experience it.

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