Monday 26 July 2010

Barton St David

We set off on a beautiful sunny day, cloudy but warm. This was a walk that I had made up my self, so we were a little apprehensive, would be a success or a nightmare? We walked passed St Davids church with it's 15th Century Tower, unfortunately it was locked so we couldn't go inside. We headed to Kingweston, one of the main reasons for our walk in this area. We wanted to see the church that we had seen there when we first came to Somerset. It's a lovely area but the church wasn't as pretty as we remembered. We pushed on to Copley Woods; what an experience that was. Paths that led nowhere, areas fenced off and over grown paths. After walking round for about an hour we decided to stop for lunch, as some people were getting a little hot and bothered. The only way we managed to leave the woods was by using our compass. We then headed for Butleigh Cross the views from there were breath taking. We headed back to Barton, we were supposed to finish the walk along by a river, but the river had run dry or we crossed it without noticing! Returning back to the village we had a quick drink in the Barton Inn, where the locals kept staring at us. The walk had taken us 4.25hrs and we had completed about 7.5mls. Madness!! We treated ourselves to some fish and chips and a cup of tea in Knights chippy in Glastonbury on the way home and had another pint in 'The George Inn'. We thoroughly enjoyed our day and hope we can share the experience with the rest of you soon.

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