Monday 10 May 2010

One Step Beyond On Tour - Dartmoor

The first away day for the One Step Beyonders was to Dartmoor. Two walks were arranged, the first on Saturday, followed the impressive river Dart from New Bridge, along it's banks to Dartmeet where we climbed towards Huccaby, Combstone Tor, Venford Reservoir, Holne and back via the Two Moors Way into New Bridge! This 7hr walk was approx 10.5 miles and felt much further, continually climbing rocks where the path dissappeared and then returning to the river. We stayed at the excellent Cridford Inn, a glass of Champagne and Katey Rose toasted our first extravaganza before we sat down to a lovely meal. The people at the Cridford Inn could not have been more welcoming.

The next morning with aching limbs we challenged ourselves to another walk, dealing with a different terrain out into the moor and a shorter distance of 6.5miles. After a cracking breakfast, we started out from Saddle Tor taking in Haytor and the Granite Tramway to Holwell Tor. Crossing Becka Brook via a clapper bridge we climbed to Greator Rocks for lunch. We picked our way through Hemsworthy Mire and climbed again to Saddle Tor. Cream Teas in Widecombe completed a great weekend. Good walks and good company, what more could you ask for?

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